Legal perspectives for everyday challenges

Child Support Financial support for children in Australia is governed by the provisions of the...

What Happens To Your Super If Your Relationship Breaks Down? In December 2002 the Federal...

Whether you are renovating an existing home or building from scratch, most domestic building contracts...

There are various ‘Will Kits’ available on-line – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all...

Fixed-term employment contracts are common in many workplaces. Understandably, most employers consider they would be...

In the Commonwealth Government’s latest efforts to keep the building and construction industry afloat, Australians...

02 June 2020 COMMERCIAL TENANCIES This is the third legal update in our series about...

28 April 2020 COMMERCIAL TENANCIES On 16 April 2020 we issued a Legal Update regarding...

16 April 2020 COMMERCIAL TENANCIES The Covid-19 pandemic is ravaging the Australian economy. In one...

The continued development of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) has disrupted all facets of our lives. The...

As the world enters unprecedented times, various issues have arisen as to the obligations of...

2019 was the year of review of the Family Law system which operates in Australia...

Following our move to our new premises at 123 Sheridan Street, we confirm we are...

As part of the four yearly review of modern awards, in July 2019 the Fair...

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