
Legal perspectives for everyday challenges

Following recent amendments to the law, workplace sexual harassment is prohibited from 6 March 2023....

Many businesses will already be planning their hours of operation over the Christmas period. For...

If you believe that you have been treated unfairly by an employer and would like...

From time to time, employers have to deal with allegations of employee misconduct. Handling these...

May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month in Queensland. It is hoped that events...

Sexual harassment is unlawful. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that...

Will you need to pay back the ATO for JobKeeper It is still surprising to...

How to handle redundancies in your business With Australia experiencing its first recession in almost...

Fixed-term employment contracts are common in many workplaces. Understandably, most employers consider they would be...

As the world enters unprecedented times, various issues have arisen as to the obligations of...

As part of the four yearly review of modern awards, in July 2019 the Fair...

In the media

WGC Lawyers talk neighbourly disputes

WGC Lawyers talk online attacks

WGC Lawyers defamation & social media

WGC Lawyers talk written contracts

WGC Lawyers talk selling a business

WGC Lawyers talk estate planning