Family Law

Superannuation and Family Law Cairns

Superannuation and Family Law Cairns

What Happens To Your Super If Your Relationship Breaks Down? In December 2002 the Federal government enacted legislation to permit the division of superannuation interests upon relationship breakdowns bringing Australia into line with most western jurisdictions with...Read More
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and child care arrangements

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and child care arrangements

The continued development of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) has disrupted all facets of our lives. The Queensland and Federal Governments are dealing with a rapidly evolving situation and responding with measures they consider appropriate in the circumstances. As the...Read More
Procedural changes in family law courts

Procedural changes in family law courts

2019 was the year of review of the Family Law system which operates in Australia and on 9 April 2019 the Australian Law Reform Commission issued its final report “Family Law for the Future – An Enquiry into the Family Law System”. One of the significant...Read More
The divorce process explained

The divorce process explained

The idea of divorce is well known, as is the established the principle of no-fault divorce in Australian law, but less is known or understood about the mechanics surrounding what is actually done and the steps involved. In this article we explain the process in simple...Read More
Considering the wishes of the children in parenting cases

Considering the wishes of the children in parenting cases

Separating couples are generally required to make reasonable attempts to resolve disputes about the future living arrangements, care and responsibility of their children. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, dispute resolution is compulsory if agreement cannot...Read More