Employment Lawyer Cairns

Employment law governs the relationship between employers and employees and addresses a range of workplace legal issues. At WGC Lawyers, we provide advice and representation across all categories of employment law with a workplace lawyer Cairns employees and employers can both rely on.

Employer Obligations

For employers, having a basic understanding of your legal obligations when hiring and managing staff, and knowing when to seek advice from a professional, can help avoid costly workplace issues or mitigate loss when disputes arise.

Whether hiring a junior receptionist or chief executive officer, an employment contract is essential to set out the terms of service, remuneration and entitlements, and to provide clarity regarding the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Employment Standards

Employment terms and working conditions must comply with legislation, the National Employment Standards (minimum standards applicable to all national system employees irrespective of industry, occupation or income) and any relevant awards. 

The agreement may also include enforceable restraint of trade clauses to help protect against misuse of valuable assets such as client contacts, confidential information and intellectual property, by an employee.

Workplace Bullying and Discrimination

Workplace discrimination, harassment, bullying, unfair dismissal and adverse action claims continue to receive significant media focus. Employers should understand the types of conduct (whether intentional or otherwise) that may leave them open to a claim with the Fair Work Commission.

Taking proactive steps to prevent and manage these issues by implementing policies and procedures is essential to reduce the risk of workplace disputes and legal proceedings and to help everybody in the workplace understand their rights and obligations.

Duty of Care Under Employment Law

Employers must abide by their statutory duty of care to employees under work health and safety laws and regulations. Workplace health and safety incidents can have a devastating impact on an organisation. To reduce risk, businesses must implement systems to maintain high occupational health and safety standards, to prevent injury and loss and to set out processes for identifying, reporting and eliminating potential workplace hazards.

A breach of a work health and safety law could result in government investigation and enforcement action. Preparing for a work health and safety investigation and responding to a request for information can be intrusive, disruptive and daunting. To avoid such issues arising, consult a workplace lawyer Cairns businesses can rely on for sound legal advice. 

Business Restructure

If your organisation is proposing a restructure that will impact upon the workplace and employees, it is beneficial to obtain advice regarding potential issues that could arise such as transfer of employees on the sale of a business, termination and redundancy entitlements.

There are numerous statutes, regulations and standards applicable to the workplace and these laws change frequently. Staying up to date with employment law and implementing processes and systems to ensure best practice is an ongoing task.

Employee Issues

Employees confronting a workplace issue may feel vulnerable and confused. Obtaining legal advice when facing redundancy or termination of employment, disciplinary action or dismissal can help you understand your legal rights and ensure that you are protected.

An employee may take action against an employer for certain unlawful activities (adverse action) under the general protection provisions of the Fair Work Act or for discriminatory conduct, harassment or bullying.

If you believe you have been or are being treated unfairly in the workplace, it is important to seek appropriate advice. We can also assist with reviewing and negotiating the terms and conditions of an employment contract and can represent you during enterprise bargaining processes.

An Employment Lawyer Cairns Employers and Employees Can Trust

Our employment law team has expertise in all areas of employment law and has assisted many employers and employees from a range of industries to proactively manage their workplace, their employment contracts, take action for unfair treatment and resolve disputes. Contact us today and find out how we can help.

Key Contacts

John Hayward
Jamie McAlister