Eddy Lago



» Eddy Lago

WGC Lawyers Director Eddy Lago has been practising as a family lawyer since 1987 and has been a Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist in Family Law since 1996.

During this time he has earned a reputation for forthright representation, ensuring his clients make rational decisions that are focused on solutions, rather than emotions.

Dedicated to finding a way through the maze for family law clients during a very stressful time, Eddy takes an empathetic and intellectual approach to the resolution of family law matters.

He is committed to achieving results in an affordable and timely manner to reduce the stress of the situation for the parties involved.

With wide-ranging experience in complex property and child cases, Eddy has negotiated the successful resolution of complicated separations, including representation at trials and appeals. These have involved divorce, property settlements, children’s matters and parenting disputes, including child and spousal maintenance. He is also very experienced in the preparation of prenuptial, cohabitation and binding financial agreements.

Eddy has a wealth of knowledge in business, property and commercial law, enabling him to provide specialist advice for family law clients who operate in the business and corporate sector and wish to consider the ramifications that separation may have on their business interests.

Estate advice is highly recommended upon the breakdown of a relationship and Eddy can assist with this so that clients do not have to work with a second lawyer to change their will. He has many years of experience in wills and estate planning, including acting as an executor for estates.

Qualifications and memberships

  • Bachelor of Laws, Queensland University of Technology, 1986
  • Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist in Family Law, 1996
  • Member, Law Council of Australia (Family Law Section)
  • Member, Family Law Practitioner’s Association
  • Member, Far North Queensland Family Law Practitioners Association
  • Member, Far North Queensland Law Association
  • Member, Queensland Law Society

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